Freedoom 0.4.2 icon

Freedoom 0.4.2 APK

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  • Publish Date:

    Jun 13 2023


Why Freedoom?The game engine for everyone's favorite 1993 game was released to the public as open source code, but most of its assets including textures, sounds, and game levels are copyrighted. The Freedoom project offers an alternative, original, and community created set of assets and game levels that open source. Combined with the open source game engine, this makes for an entirely free and open source game. This app is compatible with most fan made WADs (game levels) in the idgames archive.This app is a fork of nvllsvm's GZDoom-Android portMost custom wads can be played by:1. place them under Freedoom/config/wads2. Select the desired wad from the main screen by pressing Addons, WADS, then your desired wad3. press OK, then select the main game resource file to use (usually freedoom2.wad)4. press Launch5. start a new game as usual, but you will go to custom level instead of the normal first level of the game6. (alternate) some levels replace other maps than the first one in the game and may require use of a warp command or special launch argument to get to itFull game mods should be placed in Freedoom/config/modsFull game iwads should be placed in Freedoom/config next to freedoom1.wad and freedoom2.wadDISCLAIMERThis project is not affiliated with Id Software or parent companies, Bethesda, or any relevant publishing companies.More info: guide for a popular mod (Brutal):
Freedoom APK Version History
Freedoom 0.4.2 for Android 5.0 or higher APK Download

Version : 0.4.2 for Android 5.0 or higher

Update on : 2019-07-23

Download APK (33.85 MB)